Friday, June 12, 2009

Viva Hate!

If you want to forward the white supremacist cause, do it intelligently. Bigoted entitlement is never smart, but you can at least package it as fighting for the disenfranchised white shitheads of America, rather than dementedly shooting a security guard and giving Jews from Crown Heights to Kibbutzim reason to rationalize their persecution fantasies with firearms. A shy Jewish boy brought up in the Black and Dominican dominated Lower East Side of the early '90s, I'm all about diversity, but can still play devil's advocate. After my Bar Mitzvah, my Rabbi's wife told me we should drop a nuclear bomb on Germany and I shouted "Heil Hitler" in her face. But these immature antics and button pushing are appropriate for a thirteen year-old hormone case, not a homicidal eighty eight year-old asshole. There are plenty of excuses for ignorance, but none for insistant, proud myopia. The ability to change our world and educate ourselves is color blind and revelling in one's own out-moded, racist ideas is being one's own taskmaster. White supremacists: You are only whipping your own backs.



Anonymous said...

i agree--though the fact he was 88 is sort of wierd

Anonymous said...

well put! halla!

Amanda Segur said...

him being 88 makes it creepier, if that's even possible

N.P. Milanoff said...

As a proud 'WHITE DEVIL' living in the jungles of West Oakland I just have to say that I only see colour and not character