The elephant cruelty protesters didn't stop me from bum rushing box seats at Madison Square Garden for the circus. Still, between sips of free Bud from the packed mini fridge, I cringed when I heard whip cracks from the cat cage amplified. Being high above the screaming crowd and safe from clowns was plush, but I sort of missed the sawdust, sweat and scares of sitting under the tightrope walkers, not looking down at them. Still, the big top is magic and luxury always makes me loony. Gorging on five dollar foot long hot dogs made me giddy, then sick. I'm not a kid anymore, but still people shooting out of canons sends shivers. If "there's a sucker born every minute" -P.T. Barnum, count me one.
I feel nausous just looking at those hotdogs...
yeah i feel like those hot dogs just r'ed me a little
ooh! i went to the circus when i was younger and this is just how i remember it! i was also up highhh in the skyyyy
also some tight blog writing matches the pics well
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