So chances are that the recession is over, or on it's way out (like Madonna). But, we won't be feeling the effects of the national economy righting itself for a while, this recession good bye party can't even be planned yet. This is because a) more companies are realizing they can run more efficiently with less people. b) that means the economic growth won't actually result in more jobs for a while.
(First off, I'm taking the recession is over! cue from Newsweek author, Daniel Gross.)
My friend D, blogger for Atlas Obscura and my favorite, Curious Expeditions explains why in simplistic terms. He says that because of lack of jobs, a lot of new companies and businesses are starting up. After a couple of years when these companies are solvent and financially able, they will be the ones offering new jobs to the growing number of unemployed.
He then went on to make the argument that Health Reform would also save the country tons of money, (I mean in weight, it would be tons, of gold bars or coins, like that vault Scrooge McDuck used to swim in). And it would ensure new companies the ability to offer healthcare to employees without having to go bankrupt in the process.
I guess, through all of this, all my initial thoughts are re-affirmed. And I just want to know the other side of the story... how are health insurance companies helping the economy? How are new businesses supposed to make it without any reform? What corrupt monopolies will pop up next to R us in the A? Where is Teddy Roosevelt's big stick when you need it most? (Those last two sentences probably shouldn't be put together, but que cera.)
PS: answers would be mondo apreesh-iated, especially answers that lead to more questions.
This is really inspiring! I'm reading that recession is another way to say redistribution. A natural economic scab peeling away for fresh flesh.
honestly there are no answers. we're all going to speculate until the chips fall where they will.
Yet funny how this economic "decline" gives birth to growth in interesting new start ups
Yeah, wish I had some answers myself. As a small business owner, I can say this much: health reform would really help in making new hires, and having more employees. I don't understand all the propaganda I am seeing against health reform or universal care. Well, actually it makes sense because big corrupt companies could lose a lot of money.
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