Monday, August 31, 2009

Money as a motivator? Not so much.

From the TED talks, (Technology, Entertainment, & Design for those who aren't fans yet), Dan Pink talks about money & motivation, illuminating a new path for solving problems of the 21st century - problems that require serious thought and creativity to solve. He tells us something most P&C kids already know: the promise of financial reward is a lousy motivator for creative problem solving. But, hey, check out the talk - totally worth watching.


Anonymous said...

Uh, is this posted in the correct blog?

Anonymous said...

Financial reward totally helps my creative problem solving--creativity is a business

lauren said...
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lauren said...

i didn't watch the video but love the concept. i make way less money than when i first moved to the city and i can tell you i'm WAY happier, creatively freer and a million times more confident.

ps - this doesn't mean i don't want to make more money, ha but money as main motivator is so last year.